The term Plasma comes from Classic Greek and means modeling, form, fabric, imagination, fiction. In Physics the Plasma State- or fourth state of matter- describes a unique condition of matter arising at a complex overlay of external forces. Plasma, a charged field of particles, conducts energy. Folding space into space, Plasma draw landscapes into buildings, streets into façades, inside to outside. Transformative tectonics set spaces, planes and bodies into unforeseen relationships that challenge conventional topographies and spatial codes. An architecture of trajectory and momentum, which responds to the specificities of the local context and the possibilities of engagement. Plasma is a leading innovative architecture studio that has evolved to productively engage with the complex potentials and challenges of today: -Its diverse studio locations in Beijing, Hong Kong, London and Bolzano enable the practice to mediate local conditions and particularities with a global scope and outlook. -It is working across a wide range of scales from furniture and installations to urbanism and master planning. -By calibrating the dynamic and fluid nature of flows, events and ephemera on the one hand and the rational, structural and systemic parameters of material, organization and resistance on the other, Plasma is forging unique, evocative and elegant projects. -Plasma's critical design-research-led processes have bred a comprehensive approach that addresses the limits of discreetness, conventional topographies, hierarchies and spatial codes; whereby the need for new kinds of connectivity and complexity give rise to transformative tectonics and new relationships that respond directly to the specificities of the local context. We are interested how architecture can perform as link between the global, regional, urban and environmental systems and forces on the one hand, and the sphere of subjective, individual corporeal experience on the other. To render visible some of the infinite pragmatic and poetic structures and by extension evoke a more active participatory environment.